지난 여름 첫 타투를 받았습니다.
‘잘 안보이는 곳’에 받으라는
아내의 지도편달에 따라,
‘정수리’에 예쁜 것을 받았습니다.
저희 집에선 제 키가 제일 크거든요.
I got the first tattoo last summer.
My wife wanted me to get it where someone couldn’t see it. Because my parents in law don’t know what I work now.
We couldn’t talk about my work because tattoo is illegal in Korea. And we didn’t want them to worry.
So I got it on the top of my head.
I am the tallest in my family. Everyone couldn’t see this. However, I was caught while bowing on New Year’s Day.
2020, I really miss that moment and my friends.